Monthly Archives: October 2002

Roundel Paintings 1997 and 2002

International Military Aviation Insignia Series Like the UN Decorations Series, the IMAI Series borrows the pure abstraction of recognizable symbols and recontextualizes them. The grouping of small round paintings simultaneously recalls a boy’s model collection and Claude Tousignant’s 70’s, hard-edge roundels. International Military Aviation Insignia, 1997-8, Installation at Carl Davis Gallery Size: Thirty 8″ Round canvasses…

Correspondence Series, 2002

Old Dominion University Art Gallery Norfolk, Virginia August-September, 2002 The Correspondence Series is a partial transcription of the correspondence between American President Kennedy and Soviet Premier Khrushchev during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. Words and phrases indicative of the tone and position of either leader have been lifted from the body of the letters…

Star Power Series, 2002

Cafka September 21-29, 2002 Kitchener, Ontario The line between propaganda and advertising is a thin one. Star Power presents the viewer with a series of ads that mix communist iconography and images of hydro electricity. Bold and visually stopping, the images further confuse the question of who is in control of electrical power in Ontario:…

You Are Here, 2002

September-October, 2002 Sumter, South Carolina Like much of my work, this installation combined interests in advertising, abstraction, and the Cold War. You Are Here saw a large vinyl appliqué placed on the storefront window of an old print shop in downtown of Sumter, South Carolina. Appearing to be an official commeration of some sort, the…