Monthly Archives: January 2019

All the Birds I Saw Last Year

All the Birds I Saw Last Year is my attempt to portend something of our future through the dedicated observance of local bird populations. By charting every bird I see – no matter how incidental – some rhythms or patterns might emerge that are telling of the health of our shared environment. As we wade…

Small Items, 2017-8

The casting process is interesting to me. The idea that a molten metal could flush out an object and replace it with a doppelganger of itself is curious and compelling. I have exercised this idea with a few different items: Hershey’s Kisses, aluminum beer cans and candles. I am still finishing the latter two, but…

Canadian Art – All the Birds I Saw Last Year

All the Birds I Saw Last Year, Central Art Garage, Ottawa, September 20 – December 22, 2018 Michael Davidge has written a review of All the Birds I Saw Last Year  at the Central Art Garage for Canadian Art. Published on December 13, 2018, it can be found at