Monthly Archives: September 2016

small Trinity, 2016

small Trinity was the title of my MFA thesis exhibition, which was mounted at the Carleton University Art Gallery in the last two weeks of August 2016. For the exhibition, I presented the three series of works in which I attempted to capture the essence of an explosion as a sculpture: the Exploded Vases (2014-15);…

The Death of General Wolfe, 2016

British General Wolfe is known for having led British troops to defeat the French forces on the Plains of Abraham below Québec City in 1759. During the battle the General was shot and killed. A famous painting by American painter Benjamin West depicts the moment of death as a pieta where Wolfe is the Christ figure. Only a single drop of blood…

Cast Gunshots, 2015-16

Having cast an explosion, I began to wonder what a cast gunshot would look like. I contacted the Ottawa Police Guns and Gangs Unit who shot some blocks of clay with handguns for me. The bullets bored conical-shaped paths into the clay and these were then filled with resin. Often the bullet remained in the clay and became fused…

Cast Explosions, 2015

Having traced the path of a small explosion in the Exploded Vases series, I became intent on capturing the shape of the explosion itself. So, for the Cast Explosion series, I ignited the firecrackers in balls of soft clay. The blast created a void within the clay that could be filled with wax and the cast in…

Exploded Vases, 2014

In the fall of 2014, I began an Master’s of Fine Arts Program at the University of Ottawa. At the time, I was still creating the Vase Recording, but during a visiting artist critique, it was observed that having the sound scribed into the vases was interesting, but what would happen if sound could change the shape of…