Author Archives: adrian

Birds of the DMZ

In late 2022 I learned that SAW CENTRE and the Korean Cultural Centre in Ottawa would be hosting an exhibition curated by the REAL DMZ PROJECT (RDP) of Seoul, South Korea. RDP is dedicated to an artistic examination of visible and invisible boundaries of the Korean border zone. Aware that the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)…

All the Birds I Saw Last Year

All the Birds I Saw Last Year is my attempt to portend something of our future through the dedicated observance of local bird populations. By charting every bird I see – no matter how incidental – some rhythms or patterns might emerge that are telling of the health of our shared environment. As we wade…

Small Items, 2017-8

The casting process is interesting to me. The idea that a molten metal could flush out an object and replace it with a doppelganger of itself is curious and compelling. I have exercised this idea with a few different items: Hershey’s Kisses, aluminum beer cans and candles. I am still finishing the latter two, but…

Canadian Art – All the Birds I Saw Last Year

All the Birds I Saw Last Year, Central Art Garage, Ottawa, September 20 – December 22, 2018 Michael Davidge has written a review of All the Birds I Saw Last Year  at the Central Art Garage for Canadian Art. Published on December 13, 2018, it can be found at

Open Studio and Sale, July 22nd and 23rd

I’m opening up the studio and having a sale! Like many artists, my production much exceeds my sales, and so after many years, I have considerable stock in the attic and studio. Artworks will be on sale at a 50% – 65% off the established gallery price. A large number of the prints drawings are…

Winston Chandelier

All are welcome to the unveiling (it’s not actually veiled) of Winston Chandelier at 12:30 on Saturday, June 10th, 2017 at Winston Plaza in Ottawa. Winston Plaza is a small parkette at the corner of Winston Avenue and Richmond Road in the Westboro area. The Westboro BIA is organizing activities and music for kids. Joanna and I were commissioned by…

small Trinity, 2016

small Trinity was the title of my MFA thesis exhibition, which was mounted at the Carleton University Art Gallery in the last two weeks of August 2016. For the exhibition, I presented the three series of works in which I attempted to capture the essence of an explosion as a sculpture: the Exploded Vases (2014-15);…

The Death of General Wolfe, 2016

British General Wolfe is known for having led British troops to defeat the French forces on the Plains of Abraham below Québec City in 1759. During the battle the General was shot and killed. A famous painting by American painter Benjamin West depicts the moment of death as a pieta where Wolfe is the Christ figure. Only a single drop of blood…

Cast Gunshots, 2015-16

Having cast an explosion, I began to wonder what a cast gunshot would look like. I contacted the Ottawa Police Guns and Gangs Unit who shot some blocks of clay with handguns for me. The bullets bored conical-shaped paths into the clay and these were then filled with resin. Often the bullet remained in the clay and became fused…

Cast Explosions, 2015

Having traced the path of a small explosion in the Exploded Vases series, I became intent on capturing the shape of the explosion itself. So, for the Cast Explosion series, I ignited the firecrackers in balls of soft clay. The blast created a void within the clay that could be filled with wax and the cast in…

Exploded Vases, 2014

In the fall of 2014, I began an Master’s of Fine Arts Program at the University of Ottawa. At the time, I was still creating the Vase Recording, but during a visiting artist critique, it was observed that having the sound scribed into the vases was interesting, but what would happen if sound could change the shape of…

A Brief History of Explosions

As part of a summer residency at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design (NSCAD) I will be mounting a solo exhibition at the Anna Leonowens Art Gallery. Entitled A Brief History of Explosions, the exhibition will feature the Exploded Vases Series, Cast Explosions Series, and a large graph-based work that plots the size…

Lack of Sleep, 2014

In the spring of 2014 I applied to the Master’s of Fine Arts program at the University of Ottawa. I was accepted, which was wonderful, but my wife and I then adopted a baby boy, which was also wonderful, but the demands of the degree and the demands of a baby made for little sleep. To complicate matters, Miles had…

Swift, 2013

I was commissioned by Domicile Developments of Ottawa to create an artwork for the One3One condominium on Holland Avenue. Because of fire-spread construction codes, no windows were allowed on the north elevation of the building. The community association noted that this resulted in a prominent blank wall facing Wellington Avenue and asked the developer what could…

Artist-designed jewelry at Magpie

Plumb A jewelry piece for the Benchworks initiative at Magpie Jewelry of Ottawa Central to my art practice is heightening a person’s sense of themselves and their surroundings. At the invitation of Magpie Jewelry, I designed a necklace that is,  in fact, a miniature tool and intended to make wearer more aware of themselves, their posture and…

Vase Recordings, 2013-14

In 1982,  I watched an interview with an archeologist who claimed that with acoustic research we would soon be able to listen to sounds captured within ancient pottery. He speculated that jugs and vases being formed on pottery wheels acted like Edison cylinders and inadvertently absorbed sounds in the immediate vicinity. His theory has now…

Norwegian Wood Exhibition reviewed in fall issue of Canadian Art Magazine

I am pleased to pass on that my exhibition Norwegian Wood, which was mounted at the Patrick Mikhail Gallery this spring, has been reviewed in the fall 2013 issue of Canadian Art Magazine. Arts writer Petra Halkes wrote the 400 word piece, which discuss the vinyl record-generate Norwegian Wood drawings and the Vase Recordings. The…

Harmonograph Drawings, 2012

I’ve built a harmonograph in my studio. Popular in the 1920-30s as a parlour activity, these devices generate spirograph-like drawings by using inertia and entropy. A drawing plane sits atop a universal motion gimbal, which has been set in motion and very slowly loses its energy.  A pen rests on top of the plane and…

Norwegian Wood Drawings, 2012

The Norwegian Wood drawings will be exhibited at the Patrick Mikhail Gallery in Ottawa in April 2013. The vinyl record album is a remarkably unevolved technology. Edison’s first sound recording in 1877 was created by drawing a needle across the surface of a rotating wax cylinder. By focusing the sound waves upon the needle, the…